

Elections were never meant to make democracy possible. On the contrary, they are an aristocratic tool, invented to keep the masses at bay. How can we democratize democracy? Here's an alternative. Motion design by Jan De Loore (Kitchhock). Script: David Van Reybrouck.

Boekvoorstelling: We need to talk about Climate
The Colonisation of the Future
The Sortition Project: The preferendum.
The Sortition Project: Institutionalizing sortition
Is it too late to Revitalize Democracy?
Revolusi! A talkshow by the Rijks Museum and Pakhuis De Zwijger
Trailer documentary Revolution in Indonesia


On Climate

Interview Greta Tunberg by David Van Reybrouck and Eva Rovers

On Democracy

How to fix democracy, interview by Andrew Keen
BBC: Positive Thinking
BBC: Reasons to be Cheerful
Another Way, interview by prof. Lawrence Lessig
Revitalizing Democracy: Sortition, Citizen Power and spaces if Freedom

On Revolusi

War & Peace

On Congo

We didn't start the Fire